Welcome to OneinStack 2019,请执行./upgrade.sh, 选择升级OneinStack,您拥有以下功能
想用某个组件请使用./install.sh, 想卸载某个组件请使用./uninstall.sh。
root@OneinStack:~# ./install.sh -h ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+ Debian 8+ and Ubuntu 14+ # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### version: 2.4 updated date: 2021-04-01 Usage: /root/oneinstack/install.sh command ...[parameters].... --help, -h Show this help message, More: https://oneinstack.com/auto --version, -v Show version info --nginx_option [1-3] Install Nginx server version --apache Install Apache --apache_mode_option [1-2] Apache2.4 mode, 1(default): php-fpm, 2: mod_php --apache_mpm_option [1-3] Apache2.4 MPM, 1(default): event, 2: prefork, 3: worker --php_option [1-10] Install PHP version --mphp_ver [53~80] Install another PHP version (PATH: /usr/local/php${mphp_ver}) --mphp_addons Only install another PHP addons --phpcache_option [1-4] Install PHP opcode cache, default: 1 opcache --php_extensions [ext name] Install PHP extensions, include zendguardloader,ioncube, sourceguardian,imagick,gmagick,fileinfo,imap,ldap,calendar,phalcon, yaf,yar,redis,memcached,memcache,mongodb,swoole,xdebug --tomcat_option [1-4] Install Tomcat version --jdk_option [1-4] Install JDK version --db_option [1-14] Install DB version --dbinstallmethod [1-2] DB install method, default: 1 binary install --dbrootpwd [password] DB super password --pureftpd Install Pure-Ftpd --redis Install Redis --memcached Install Memcached --phpmyadmin Install phpMyAdmin --python Install Python (PATH: /usr/local/python) --ssh_port [No.] SSH port --iptables Enable iptables --reboot Restart the server after installation
./uninstall.sh --php_extensions imagick,memcache -q
root@OneinStack:~# /root/oneinstack/uninstall.sh -h ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+ Debian 8+ and Ubuntu 14+ # # Uninstall OneinStack # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### Usage: /root/oneinstack/uninstall.sh command ...[parameters].... --help, -h Show this help message, More: https://oneinstack.com --quiet, -q quiet operation --all Uninstall All --web Uninstall Nginx/Tengine/OpenResty/Apache/Tomcat --mysql Uninstall MySQL/MariaDB/Percona --postgresql Uninstall PostgreSQL --mongodb Uninstall MongoDB --php Uninstall PHP (PATH: /usr/local/php) --mphp_ver [53~80] Uninstall another PHP version (PATH: /usr/local/php${mphp_ver}) --allphp Uninstall all PHP --phpcache Uninstall PHP opcode cache --php_extensions [ext name] Uninstall PHP extensions, include zendguardloader,ioncube, sourceguardian,imagick,gmagick,fileinfo,imap,ldap,calendar,phalcon, yaf,yar,redis,memcached,memcache,mongodb,swoole,xdebug --pureftpd Uninstall PureFtpd --redis Uninstall Redis-server --memcached Uninstall Memcached-server --phpmyadmin Uninstall phpMyAdmin --python Uninstall Python (PATH: /usr/local/python)
./upgrade.sh --oneinstack
./upgrade.sh --nginx 1.15.8
root@OneinStack:~# /root/oneinstack/upgrade.sh -h ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+ Debian 8+ and Ubuntu 14+ # # Upgrade Software versions for OneinStack # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### Usage: /root/oneinstack/upgrade.sh command ...[version].... --help, -h Show this help message --nginx [version] Upgrade Nginx --tengine [version] Upgrade Tengine --openresty [version] Upgrade OpenResty --apache [version] Upgrade Apache --tomcat [version] Upgrade Tomcat --db [version] Upgrade MySQL/MariaDB/Percona --php [version] Upgrade PHP --redis [version] Upgrade Redis --memcached [version] Upgrade Memcached --phpmyadmin [version] Upgrade phpMyAdmin --oneinstack Upgrade OneinStack latest --acme.sh Upgrade acme.sh latest
./addons.sh --install --ngx_lua_waf
root@OneinStack:~# /root/oneinstack/addons.sh -h ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+ Debian 8+ and Ubuntu 14+ # # Install/Uninstall Extensions # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### Usage: /root/oneinstack/addons.sh command ... --help, -h Show this help message --install, -i Install --uninstall, -u Uninstall --composer Composer --fail2ban Fail2ban --ngx_lua_waf Ngx_lua_waf --python Python (PATH: /usr/local/python)
如新增账号:yeho 密码:ftp@pass 网站根目录:/data/wwwroot,命令如下:
./pureftpd_vhost.sh --useradd --username yeho --password ftp@pass -d /data/wwwroot
root@OneinStack:~# /root/oneinstack/pureftpd_vhost.sh -h ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+ Debian 7+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # FTP virtual user account management # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### Usage: /root/oneinstack/pureftpd_vhost.sh command ...[parameters].... --help, -h Show this help message --useradd,--add Add username --usermod Modify directory --passwd Modify password --userdel,--delete Delete User --listalluser,--list List all User --showuser List User details --username,-u [ftp username] Ftp username --password,-p [ftp password] Ftp password --directory,-d,-D [ftp directory] Ftp home directory