启用Let’s Encrypt错误?

问答中心分类: OneinStack启用Let’s Encrypt错误?
yflwz asked 6 年 ago
Please choose to use environment:
1. Use php
2. Use java
Please input a numberDefault 1 press Enter) 2

What Are You Doing?
1. Use HTTP Only
2. Use your own SSL Certificate and Key
3. Use Let's Encrypt to Create SSL Certificate and Key
q. Exit
Please input the correct option: 3

Please input domain(example: http://www.example.com): test.myisoa.com

Please input the directory for the domain:test.myisoa.com :
(Default directory: /data/wwwroot/test.myisoa.com): /data/wwwroot/default

Create Virtul Host directory......
set permissions of Virtual Host directory......

Do you want to add more domain name? [y/n]: n

Do you want to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS? [y/n]: y
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:27 CST 2018] Registering account
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] Registered
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] ACCOUNHUMBPRINT='hgZvpPf2fWhYb-CiGNoK0orcv3j97b-d97KCF4qiFAE'
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] Creating domain key
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] The domain key is here: /root/.acme.sh/test.myisoa.com/test.myisoa.com.key
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] Single domain='test.myisoa.com'
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] Getting domain auth token for each domain
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] Getting webroot for domain='test.myisoa.com'
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:30 CST 2018] Getting new-authz for domain='test.myisoa.com'
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:32 CST 2018] The new-authz request is ok.
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:32 CST 2018] Verifying:test.myisoa.com
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:37 CST 2018] test.myisoa.com:Verify error:Invalid response from http://test.myisoa.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/vMat8y8jkAv_xSA1s-VBKkfzE04VR243W79PJX8TIok:
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:37 CST 2018] Please add '--debug' or '--log' to check more details.
[Wed Nov 7 14:18:37 CST 2018] See: https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/How-to-debug-acme.sh
Error: Create Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate failed!

2 Answers
yflwz answered 6 年 ago

oneinstack answered 6 年 ago

1. let's服务器无法访问http://test.myisoa.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/vMat8y8jkAv_xSA1s-VBKkfzE04VR243W79PJX8TIok ,也有可能是由于DNS原因,比如:Dnspod,更换其他dns,如dns.he.net

2. 使用dnsapi方式获取证书,参考:https://oneinstack.com/faq/letsencrypt