Centos 6.6 执行vhost.sh报错(ERROR: unknown argument!)

问答中心分类: LinuxCentos 6.6 执行vhost.sh报错(ERROR: unknown argument!)
German asked 5 年 ago

安装oneinstack环境一切正常,在添加虚拟主机的时候报错ERROR: unknown argument!这个信息 

#       OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+ Debian 7+ and Ubuntu 12+      #
#       For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com      #
ERROR: unknown argument! Usage: ./vhost.sh  command ...[parameters]....
  --help, -h                  Show this help message
  --quiet, -q                 quiet operation
  --list, -l                  List Virtualhost
  --mphp_ver [53~73]          Use another PHP version (PATH: /usr/local/php)
  --add                       Add Virtualhost
  --delete, --del             Delete Virtualhost
  --httponly                  Use HTTP Only
  --selfsigned                Use your own SSL Certificate and Key
  --letsencrypt               Use Let's Encrypt to Create SSL Certificate and Key
  --dnsapi                    Use dns API to automatically issue Let's Encrypt Cert

1 Answers
oneinstack answered 5 年 ago
新增虚拟主机执行./vhost.sh 或者 ./vhost.sh --add