你好!执行./vhost.sh del后选择删除目录,但发现后面还是没有删除掉,目录仍然存在!
Do you want to delete Virtul Host directory? [y/n]: y
Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue...
Do you want to delete Virtul Host directory? [y/n]: y
Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue...
5 Answers
Virtualhost list:
Please input a domain you want to delete: http://www.xxxx.com
Do you want to delete Virtul Host directory? [y/n]: y
Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue...
Domain: http://www.xxxx.com has been deleted.
仍然还在:/data/wwwroot/www.xxxx.com 的!
Virtualhost list:
Please input a domain you want to delete: http://www.xxxx.com
Do you want to delete Virtul Host directory? [y/n]: y
Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue...
Domain: http://www.xxxx.com has been deleted.
仍然还在:/data/wwwroot/www.xxxx.com 的!
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