####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 6+ Debian 7+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### Please choose to use environment: 1. Use php 2. Use hhvm Please input a numberDefault 1 press Enter) 1 What Are You Doing? 1. Use HTTP Only 2. Use your own SSL Certificate and Key 3. Use Let's Encrypt to Create SSL Certificate and Key q. Exit Please input the correct option: 3 Please input domain(example: www.example.com): maolog.com domain=maolog.com Please input the directory for the domain:maolog.com : (Default directory: /home/wwwroot/maolog.com): /home/wwwroot/blog Create Virtul Host directory...... set permissions of Virtual Host directory...... Do you want to add more domain name? [y/n]: y Type domainname or IP(example: example.com other.example.com): www.maolog.com domain list=www.maolog.com [Sat Mar 24 12:48:46 CST 2018] maolog.com:Verify error:Invalid response from http://maolog.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/yiKuoSP0atztxGD5w0_IlB9t-IvXeMH5dgJaXP0iAUo: [Sat Mar 24 12:48:46 CST 2018] Please add '--debug' or '--log' to check more details. [Sat Mar 24 12:48:46 CST 2018] See: https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/How-to-debug-acme.sh Error: Create Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate failed!
昨天卸载了原来的oneinstack,安装了新的,然后添加SSL证书就一直报错。 请帮忙,域名是新网互联的。