Compilation failed: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support at offset 0

问答中心分类: PHPCompilation failed: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support at offset 0
匿名用户 asked 9 年 ago
系统是CentOS 7 64bit纯净版
安装完后 运行PHP程序出现错误:
Compilation failed: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support at offset 0

4 Answers
oneinstack answered 9 年 ago

匿名用户 answered 9 年 ago
同样遇到该问题 用的hhvm

匿名用户 answered 9 年 ago


匿名用户 answered 9 年 ago
我也遇到这个问题了,用的hhvm。程序preg_match('#^gii$#u', '', null)   php7